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SUM series-SUM7200D asphalt concrete pavement machine

Ⅰ、Product features1. Dongfeng Conominus 161kW/1900rpm Edar injection diesel engine, strong power to meet the national IV emissions standards;2. The new generation of SUMECS Panel smart paving management system, a good human -computer interaction interface, a thin film button with a backlight, which is convenient for night construction operations to make the manipulation more intuitive and accurate;3. Automatically find the unique control method that can be directly applied. The angle sensor ens...


SUM series-SUM7200C asphalt concrete pavement machine

Ⅰ、Product features1. Dongfeng Cummins 153kW/1800rpm Edar injection diesel engine, strong power, meets the national III emission standards;2. The new generation of SUMECS smart paving management system, a good human -computer interaction interface, making the manipulation more intuitive and accurate;3. Automatically find the unique control method that can be directly applied. The angle sensor ensures the continuous proportion of the scraper;4. Eliminate the width and width to ensure the continu...

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